maita droši vien priecāsies, uzzinot,
ka beidzot esmu atsācis lasīt viņa aizdoto grāmatu – «The Art
of Deception (Controlling the Human Element of Security)», autori – Kevin
D. Mitnick & William L. Simon. Drīz dabūsi, drīz. :) Nu,
jā. Kā jau parasti, kad lasu kādu grāmatu, šis tas vienmēr atrodas, ko gribu
citēt. Arī šoreiz tā ir. Pagaidām tikai viens citāts, taču garš. Tekstu es
nokopēju, nevis pārrakstīju, tāpēc par kļūdām vainojiet
trz. No
viņa nāca kopējamais materiāls. :) Un autortiesības pieder Mitnikam.
Tikai mieru! :)
Grāmata ir par sociālo inženieriju, un, ja nu kādam nav īsti skaidrs, ko tas nozīmē, šis varētu būt labs piemērs. Kā iegūt vajadzīgo informāciju no bankas par citiem, izliekoties par vienu vai otru un neko nemaz nelaužot. Grāmata gan rakstīta tādā īsteni amerikāniskā stilā, taču saturs ir labs tik un tā.
When the average person conjures up the picture of a computer hacker, what usually comes to mind is the uncomplimentary image of a lonely, introverted nerd whose best friend is his computer and who has difficulty carrying on a conversation, except by instant messaging. The social engineer, who often has hacker skills, also has people skills at the opposite end of the spectrum -- well-developed abilities to use and manipulate people that allow him to talk his way into getting information in ways you would never have believed possible. ( .. )
Un, ja nu kādam liekas, ka ar sociālajiem inženieriem nekad nav saskāries un nekad to nedarīs, tad, lūk, ko par to saka Mitniks.. :)
Every reader will have been manipulated by the grand experts of all time in social engineering - their parents. They found ways to get you - "for your own good" - to do what they thought best. Parents become great storytellers in the same way that social engineers skillfully develop very plausible stories, reasons, and justifications for achieving their goals. Yes, we were all molded by our parents: benevolent (and sometimes not so benevolent) social engineers.