Ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 17. aprīlis

Even in the last two days, despite the images of Ukrainian armored personnel carriers snaking toward the east, there has been nothing doing: The Ukrainians managed to retake one airfield—and lose six APCs to the rebels.
So why is a twice-invaded Ukraine not shooting?
Ukraine Has Been Invaded for a Second Time. So Why Doesn't It Shoot? | New Republic
While all government officials will unite in a hissing of denunciation and denial if anyone says it out loud, there isn’t a lot of appetite in any of the NATO governments west of Poland for military action on the Baltic coast. If Russia moved quickly across a Baltic frontier to ‘liberate’ some ethnic Russians, would NATO send troops to drive the Russians back out? We are no doubt telling the Russians that the frontiers of NATO countries are another one of our now-famous red lines, but Putin may think he knows us better than we know ourselves.
Playing Putin's Game – The American Interest
The Russian attack on Georgia in 2008 set off alarms in the Baltics, which renewed their push to strengthen their defenses. Germany vetoed them and the U.S. concurred. An American diplomat in 2009 called Estonia "paranoid" about Russia, in a confidential cable released by WikiLeaks. Since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, Estonian leaders have steered clear of the I-told-you-so's. "I don't get any, unfortunately, thrills out of vindication," says Mr. Ilves. "But we have been told by some of our friends, 'We did think you were paranoid and overreacting and now we think you're right.'"
Matthew Kaminski: An American Ally in Putin's Line of Fire – WSJ.com
Я – русская украинка, экстремистка, бандеровка и националистка.
И мой - уже не теоретический - интерес заключается в том, с каким чувством будет стрелять в меня российский солдат.
С чувством выполненного долга? Глубокого удовлетворения? Печали о том, что я предала великую Россию? Будет стрелять и плакать?
Прости, Россия, и я прощаю – ОстроВ