Šodienas dilemma – braukt uz kalnu vai uz jūru. Uz kalna ir kā jau. Pie jūras vajag būt komētai "C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS)".
Septiņos vakarā tā vēl ir piecus grādus virs horizonta. Zvaigžņlielums ap 0.7. Vajadzētu būt saskatāmai. Vajadzētu pārbaudīt. Vajag tīru horizontu un tīras debesis rietumos.
Comets visible to the naked eye are a rare delicacy in the celestial smorgasbord of objects in the nighttime sky. Scientists estimate that the opportunity to see one of these icy dirtballs advertising their cosmic presence so brilliantly they can be seen without the aid of a telescope or binoculars happens only once every five to 10 years. That said, there may be two naked-eye comets available for your viewing pleasure this year.
"There is a catch to viewing comet PANSTARRS," said Mainzer. "This one is not that bright and is going to be low on the western horizon, so you'll need a relatively unobstructed view to the southwest at twilight and, of course, some good comet-watching weather."
Kemune: Ojā, jau pie ..
2013. gada 12. marts, 10:12 am, 1 atbilde / atbildēt