x-ƒ (x_f)

x-ƒ: Nepārtraukt uzzināt

2015. gada 3. janvāris, 7:24 pm, atsauksmēm

Lai kaut kā kompensētu gada tumšāko dienu, vakar vakarā saņēmu ņūzletermeilu no Erased Tapes, ka cita starpā tie ir izlaiduši kārtējo kompilāciju ar mūziku, kas tiek ierakstīta pie viņiem, turklāt šoreiz tā atkal pieejama bez maksas, kas, protams, bija jāpārbauda.

Tajā pirmais skaņdarbs ir no Lubomyr Melnyk, un tālāk es ilgi netiku, jo gribējās meklēt vēl un vēl kaut ko no viņa "continuous music". Viņš glezno ar klavierēm.

Despite the advances in technology and equipment, one of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring sounds is still a few suppressed keys on an unadorned acoustic piano. It's an idea that Lubomyr Melnyk seems to hold in high regard, though he plays many, many more notes than a few on "Corollaries," his first album for Erased Tapes. Over the last 35 years he has pioneered a style of piano playing called "continuous music," which includes sustaining rapidly played notes to form a bed of constantly shifting and pulsing piano textures.

Lubomyr Melnyk is a true innovator. The Ukrainian pianist and composer is the pioneer of Continuous Piano Music, which he has developed and mastered over the past thirty years. In essence, Melnyk has developed a new language for the piano, named after the principle of maintaining a continuous unbroken stream of sound. The Continuous Music is a miracle and is an eternal gift to all who witnesses this remarkable world of sound. He says: “It’s in a sense a tiny little miracle, this seed of a concept of music that actually grew and became what it was.”

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